"Who priorities people who don't prioritise themselves? ".
The consequences of neglecting ourselves in favor of lifting others can be dire. We may find ourselves feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and emotionally drained. We may start to feel disconnected from our own needs and emotions, and our relationships with others may suffer as a result. We may even develop mental health problems like depression and anxiety.
What's more, when we neglect ourselves in favor of lifting others, we create an unhealthy dynamic that reinforces the belief that we are not important or valuable enough to prioritize our own needs. This can lead to feelings of resentment and bitterness towards those we are helping, which can further erode our mental and emotional well-being.
The sad reality is that when we neglect ourselves in favor of lifting others, we run the risk of becoming so depleted that we are unable to help anyone, including ourselves. We may find ourselves in a situation where we need support and help, but because we have neglected ourselves for so long, there is no one there to lift us up.
In order to avoid this situation, it is essential that we prioritize our own self-care and self-preservation. This means taking time for ourselves to rest, recharge, and reconnect with our own needs and desires. It means setting boundaries and saying no when we need to, even if it means disappointing others.
It also means recognizing that we cannot help others if we are not in a good place ourselves. We must make our own well-being a priority if we are to be effective helpers and make a positive impact on the world around us.
It's important to note that prioritizing our own needs does not mean we are being selfish or neglecting others. Rather, it is an act of self-love and self-respect that allows us to show up fully and authentically in our relationships with others. When we take care of ourselves, we are better equipped to help others and make a positive impact on their lives.
This reminds us that we cannot pour from an empty cup and that we must prioritize our own well-being if we are to be effective helpers and make a positive impact on the world around us.
So, let's make a commitment to lift ourselves up first in any scenario before helping others.