When my life was giving me punches left, right, and center. When I was drowning in a sea of FOMO( fear of missing out). When all the people were going ahead of me in the rat race. When all my achievements started looking small to me. When non of my achievements gave me the needed satisfaction instead made me restless. The universe introduced me to a thing that never existed to me before " small achievements" and after that things started changing positively for me.
The term small achievements never existed to me before, for me only achieving big was qualified enough to be called an "achievement" and was never ready to accept anything less in my life or say in other words, if it was not big then it was not an achievement for me and it didn't make me happy. But things changed for me this year, my perspective of looking at things changed but before I jump straight to the changes, I would like to write about the background of this whole situation and why I was restless at first and decided to reflect on the topic.
So for a little background, last year during this same time of year, everything was going well for me when looked from the outside. I was doing decent for myself at a young age, whatever I used to involve myself in was fruitful but having said that, it was only if you looked from the outside. Inside of me, there were hundreds of FOMO factors sending my brain notifications each morning, rivers of restlessness flowing, and jealousy (swaad anusar) was mixed in all these kinds of factors which made me unhappy. No matter what I was achieving, I was not that happy inside.
Stupid me back then didn't realize that it isn't the size of achievement that decides if you are happy or not, it is the way you accept that achievement.
Days were passing in this way and then suddenly on new year's eve, unlike my frugal spending habits I made an unrequired decision of purchasing a domain name for myself and started developing a website/blog of my own out of nowhere. That was very strange of me and honestly stupid too but then something was pushing me towards it and I started putting in a lot of effort during those initial months, either that be in learning Html, SEO, content writing, and a few basic things related to website development or asking for help from people around me. I continued on this passively for 2 months and after that, I had a product in front of me, my first website/blog with a decent design and features. After that, I started writing passively. Every time I completed an article I used to feel very happy about it and usually end up re-reading it multiple times crushing over my observations and way of articulating my thoughts.
Although after the initial months my frequency of writing those articles decreased due to my hectic personal and professional life but there was no hit on my excitement for putting my experiences on this blog.
Whenever I wrote, I wrote like a child. Putting in every word that comes to my mind, without checking for grammar or worrying about judgment. No nothing, no filters. I was fully focused on the process of writing and enjoying it. I was not writing for anyone else, I was writing for myself and that made me happy.
Now coming back from my past to the current day, I randomly checked the stats of my website today and realized it completed 20,000 organic views, and that brought the biggest smile of this year to my face. I am not even sure if that number is even a milestone at first or not. If this is a big achievement or a small achievement or any achievement at all but irrespective of the level,I feel so happy about it. I feel a river of joy moving inside of me at midnight on a relatively bad day. I am not comparing it with anything this time, this didn't give me anything in monetary terms and this will not change anything for me tomorrow morning but I am still very happy about it. Strange isn't it?
Now that also makes me reflect on last year's restlessness and after reflecting on it for a few hours I have a conclusion. The conclusion is that it isn't about the size of the achievement, It never was. Neither is about the final result. it is all about the process and how soulfully you were involved in the process. If things are done with the soul then the size of the achievement doesn't matter, It doesn't. Also,when work is done with the soul it will make you happy.No matter how small an achievement that process leads you to.
This also reminds me of a Rumi quote:
“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.”
Even in the last year if I was more involved with the process of my work and life instead of constantly comparing it with others I would have felt happy about the things I achieved or the results I got instead of being restless about them.
And honestly, it's a great feeling to be calm and happy in your daily life while doing things soulfully and enjoying the process. I have been experiencing it for more days now and a lot of credit for this change is going to that stupid decision of buying a domain name on an eve of the new year that day.
"Staying happy is the ultimate achievement" ~ thebookaudit
In case, any of my friends are interested in knowing the reason for my smile today, below are the snips of my small yet happy achievement:
1) Having 20k views with a consistent rate of 2k a month makes me happy
2) Having most of the views organically with the least promotion makes me proud today:
3) Realising people across different regions are reading the articles and review motivates me:
4) People like you are reading the whole article till the end fills my heart with gratefulness for you. ✨❣️